The Story Behind The Song
Chapter 1
Another installment in the ongoing presentation of the musical works by:
Shane O’Brien
It’s Safe To Be You
Album Unreleased/Unpublished
Uploaded on Uploaded by sssjungle on Jul 28, 2012
Genre Blues : Blues Rock

“It’s Safe To Be You” Hum… What this refers to is something that I felt as a significant other expressed to me that I could feel secure in our relationship no matter what my history had been known as. The time is now and what I am today was the important thing to her. We all learn from our own past experiences and what we do with that knowledge is up to us all as individuals. Luckily for me, that mature level understanding came to be right in front of me and it will be something I will respect forever too. So, It’s Safe To Be You is the description of a persons complete comfort in a very much trusting relationship. I hope that many others that hear this song feel this same feeling in their own lives too…
Oh Ya, I almost forgot. Today she smashed my guitar I recorded this song with. Just Kidding… As described by Shane O’Brien
The Story Behind This Recording of April 16th, 2012:
In this marvelous rendition of “It’s Safe To Be You” we find Shane O’Brien singing and playing a Martin D28 acoustic and is accompanied by Field Monroe on a John Carruthers S6 Model stratocaster issue in a Marshall 50w 2×12 cabinet. Both men are Recording Artists and Performers from the Los Angeles Harbor community of San Pedro, California. Field Monroe and Shane O’Brien have their respective groups which they have played with for over 20 years in the same community and have never had the opportunity to actually work with one another.
This song’s simplicity enabled each to shine during the recording time since each part was truly individual to each others. Field performing that great lead style melody to Shane’s solid acoustic rhythm patterns. Notice the positive tone in the vocal delivery as well. Each of these individuals confident performances equally contribute to the songs receptiveness to an audience who is unfamiliar to this new song as well. Once more the studio norm of a recorded live situation prevailed and the first take being the one to take to the bank occurred here. The track was uploaded to a music profile site that Shane has been using as a song testing ground since 2001.
“Its safe to be you _Duo Shane OBrien,Field Monroe” was uploaded April 17th, 2012 which was the day following it’s recording date. Since 4/17/2012 it has become A SoundClick Top 50 song from within 24 hours and has remained that way to this day. Also note that of the 22 tracks we have uploaded at this location there have 8 in the top 100 and 4 in the top 50 consistently for over a year.
» highest in charts: # 17 (50,056 songs currently listed in Blues)
» highest in sub-genre: # 8 (15,768 songs currently listed in Blues > Blues Rock)

San Pedro, California

It’s Safe To Be You
This second rendition our little song is Shane O’Brien being video taped as this song is being actually written.
At the time when the video was recording the intent was to make sure that Shane would remember some of the ideas that burning in his head. As it happens to Shane pretty much a lot, this recording had a spot of it’s own in the archives and worthy enough to share with you here today…
Media Review
“This slow Bluesy Rock song is so slow that you can hear a pin drop, or perhaps the human heart scream out. That’s the kind of emotion you hear with this slow and deliberate delivery by this very personal guitar with vocal performer…”
Nancy Westin_ KJFM web radio playing personality

Stay tuned for another installment of the ongoing series
featuring the genuine music of
Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge

The Story Behind The Song
Since 2005 O’Brien has CD nominations to Award Shows for the last 7yrs
Media Contact:
OBRIENSEDGE.COM ©2012, ℗2012 Shane O’Brien/Jungle Music Productions
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Made in the U.S.A.
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