The Story Behind The Song
Chapter 3
Another installment in the ongoing presentation of the musical works by:
Shane O’Brien
The Bluesman
Author Shane O’Brien
Copyright ©2003
Album The SDT Session
Uploaded on Sun Aug 07, 2011
Genre Blues : Blues Rock
As an extra added bonus I think right here is a great place to describe how good these musicians who accompany Shane are. Tony Sena and Danny Timms both were signed to Labels when they 18 years of age. Tony Sena was on Joshua and Danny Times had…

In this player is a track that absolutely is a great example on how
Tony and Shane complimented each others playing and creative styles.
“Think This One Over” ©2004, ℗2012 Shane O’Brien/Jungle Music Productions
Think This One Over

The actual musician line up for this particular recording consists of Tony Sena performing on a ¾ scale Yamaha acoustic guitar, Danny Timms jamming on an Estey Royal spinet upright piano and Shane O’Brien plucking a Martin D28 acoustic guitar and singing an improvised vocal line.
Now, about the song itself. I am not sure about elsewhere in this great country, but here in Southern California there are plenty of musicians of the highest caliber. To accommodate all this great talent there is many local establishments feature Open Mic jams in a variety of venues Monday-Thursday Nights
Many of us musicians, who are in between gigs, try our best to keep our chops up by attending these publicized open jams. For us, let’s say who play our own brand of Blues or variety of Blues Rock or whatever the Genre we fit in, things can get a little touchy emotionally. I mean to refer to those thin skinned types of Artist displaying his or her original written music especially. Imagine this: You show up early, sign in on a piece of blank paper if you can find it, and wait for your name to be called so you too can join on stage whom ever and what ever band situation the host puts you into. Also, we can’t worry about when, with whom, or who will direct the jam as it happens or even if we are called upon to participate. These gatherings tend to be very cliquish in nature and that’s just the way it is, always has been, and always will be too… Hence forth the creation of this song titled The Bluesman.
As you hear the lyrics to this song’s story line, you may notice the scene develops with a man who really can’t get along in life shining as a standout but he does accept his lot in life because he knows in the end he is blessed. “The Sun Shines on My Back Door …”
He is also dirt broke and most likely living from place to place. He can’t afford a phone call and wouldn’t know who to call for help anyway. and someone who plays the Blues. He performs his own brand of music; very personal to him are his blues stories…
The third verse is somewhat of a fantasy this self proclaimed bluesman dreams up. He acquires a Cadillac Coupe De Ville and together with his own brand of blues songs, he is now automatically invited to participate on stage within the circle of the best bluesmen in the world. These Black Musicians are known as the Central Street Blues All Star Band from South Los Angeles. Innovators of this genre of American music, they are the stand out musicians of the West Coast blues world. He has a standing invitation to jam with them at every gathering and won’t have to wait or ever be disappointed by not being called up to play, or put in stage situations that won’t allow this guy to share his language of music. Satisfaction guaranteed every time… Ah, the life of The Bluesman…
“The Bluesman” ©2003 Shane O’Brien
Track 1 on the album titled “The SDT Session” ©2005, ℗2012 Jungle Music Productions/Shane O’Brien

Stay tuned for another installment of the ongoing series of the genuine music by
Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge

The Story Behind The Song
Since 2005 O’Brien has CD nominations to Award Shows for the last 7yrs
Media Contact:
OBRIENSEDGE.COM ©2012, ℗2012 Shane O’Brien/Jungle Music Productions
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Made in the U.S.A.