The Story Behind The Song
Chapter 5
Another installment in the ongoing presentation of the musical works by:
Shane O’Brien
Moved On _ Play it now
Title: ” Moved On”: is originally written by Danny Timms
Note that after you read the story that follows you will see Shane O’Brien has delivered a song here in that stands on it’s own original merit.
This independent rendition is dedicated by Shane O’Brien to Mr. Danny Timms who has been a friend and long time mentor
Author ©2006 Danny Timms
Special Arrangement by Shane O’Brien
Copyright ©2006, ℗2012 Jungle Music Productions
Album Unreleased/Unpublished Part E
Uploaded on Uploaded by sssjungle on Jul 28, 2012
Genre Blues : Blues Rock
Moved On is a Bluesy and Emotion Ballad dedicated to a dear friend of mine who at the time was living through an emotional period full of reflections that encompassed a whole lifetime of memories. This gentleman, as I mentioned a very dear friend and mentor to me, had arrived at my studio at the end of a 3rd day of playing piano for his Mom who was on her final days with us on earth. Usually the mood in my studio is boisterous and excitingly celebratory with creative spirit and music galore. On the days of his visit to me at my studio, he simply popped in the door and asked me to turn on the recording gear right away because he wanted me to remember the thoughts he had at that moment and I was to use what I record to write and produce a song just for him. Because of who this man is to me, I did exactly what he requested. His stay on that day was no more than ten minutes and then he left to handle the important affairs a good Son does for his Loving Mother.

James Murphy recorded a delivery on Harmonica that mirrored Shane’s emotional voice. Using his Hohner Signature Stevie Wonder Chromatic Harp, James filled the air with a reflective mood. It’s really hard to tell for the average listener that two tracks were dedicated to Murphy’s performance which Shane gelled into one.

Chromatic Harmonica
Jeff Agnew played his old ’81 G & L L100 Bass Guitar which has a deep and thick smooth sound to it. Jeff meticulously charted his bass line on paper so each of his notes where performed with exactness. Something I wouldn’t expect anything less of, especially from Jeff being the rocket scientist that he actually is…

Shane O’Brien co-wrote portions of this to accommodate his own arrangement, orchestrated and produced Moved On as a tribute for Danny Timms. From a guitar and vocal performer such as Shane, it is very rare indeed that no actual guitar parts are on this track. Instead the concentration on the quality of the inflections within the vocal lines had priority. Production of this song had a demand of its own. An addition of a guitar line seemed like it would step on the bottom line of this piece and what it is all about. The care and deliberate attention supplied by every musician did make the production efforts more valuable, just because that made one less detail to hash over. As a producer it is our job to be a positive person on every project and sometimes a little encouraging is in the order of things for what we do in sessions. This session was all about that and this group of musicians were real receptive to every suggestion thrown on the table so things flowed smooth and easy during the “Moved On session.

Jimmy Solo performs the keyboard tracks using up two tracks as well. Piano was the first track recorded and everything was based around that. His second track is a string section from a synthesizer which kind off supplies a layer of sound on top of the whole you could say. Real cool stuff here.

Butch Azevedo plays the drums unusually quiet for the drummer that he can be for sure. He is the clock that we needed him to be as well. Tempo strictness was all too important in this very short piece that end quickly it seems. Very short in length of time actually, before you know it the song is over.

Danny Timms wrote this song at which in the following day met with Shane. He recorded a scratch piano/vocal track for the idea of Moved On. You can hear a unique edit in which only the last his last five words from his vocal lines were patched in to end this song. “Really hated to see you go” at the end. To me, hits home.
The following day Danny had stopped by to pick up this recording I produced knowing full well I would be all over this recording in terms of following through on his requesting me do this project. Once more he came to the door and without even sitting down for a visit, he asked me to play the mix I produced. Not a word or expression did he exhibit while listening to this thing being blasted through a P A system, which made me wonder whether he liked it or not. So I quickly invited Danny to involve himself with an open track I purposely saved with him in mind. His answer was no, I thought “oh, oh” wondering about how bad I might have messed up on something so personal to him. Then he looked up at me and said “there’s nothing more I could add to this Shane, You gave me a Master Piece”. I still get the chills to this very day in remembering that statement every time this track is played on my CD player. If you know Danny Timms then you also know that his statement says volumes…

Just a little more on Danny. You can Google Danny Timms and what you will find is a music treasure chest in a variety of search selections to hit on. Danny has performed with some of the greats in the Country world and the Blues world. I am one blessed artist/writer/musician and person to have had this soulful gentleman as my friend and musical partner during our times together. I do offer a very spirited referral to anyone who loves to explore music and listen to everything this music craftsman has created and made publicly available. I am saying here, there are some real gems that you will surely find throughout your searches …
Sincerely Shane O’Brien
“Moved On” ©2006 Danny Timms, Arrangement ©2006 Shane O’Brien
Track 3 on the album titled “Unreleased/Unpublished disc 5/part E” ℗2012 Jungle Music Productions/Shane O’Brien

Stay tuned for another installment of the ongoing series of the genuine music by
The writers of the music from
Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge
The Story Behind The Song
Since 2005 O’Brien has CD nominations to Award Shows for the last 7yrs
Media Contact:
OBRIENSEDGE.COM ©2012, ℗2012 Shane O’Brien/Jungle Music Productions
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Made in the U.S.A.