The Shame, Shame, Shame Blues Band 1983 Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge and Freedom Outlaws 12 31 2012 Video General Bakersfield Thunder Run 2007 “The Craze from Toronto 1981” Polaris Project _ Shanes last Canadian band 1981 The Craze 1981 Toronto Show LOGO Shame Shame Shame Blues Band Tattoo S S S Blues Band 1983 The Starboard Attitude, Redondo Beach CA The Starboard Attitude_Show in the Beach Cities of California 1983 Shame Shame Shame Blues Band Gig Playing By Tooth and Nail Playing from behind the back at 23 Hold on to your head in Redondo Beach Band in the Late 1980s_The Sportsters Gig at the Hi De Ho_1988 Show Fathers Day Gig_Century Cycle 1999 Century Cycle 2000_Christmas Time Gig Nicky’s Third round of chemo_the Visit with guitars Doc checking it out for an audition with the Band Duelling Guitars 1998_Inglewood California Black and White Still photo at the Attitude_Fall 1983 Ralph Martinez- Drums and Goose Keller – Harpman 1993 Bass Drum Logo John Carruthers Guitars_Guitar Tech for the Band since 1983 Ray Carofano Studio_Fun time with Tuco and Philly “Artist rendering_Playing New Years Eve on the Vincent Thomas Bridge” “Shane jam on a 1962 Stratocaster at Carofano Studio 2000” A Little Coaching from Manager Philly Cudemo 2004 “Independant Music Festival Photo Shoot 2006” The Baseman and the frontman KLOS gig at the Warner Grand Theatre 2005 Carmel C Y C Studio session with producer Stu Heydon 2001 Holding a sign made by a participating session musician in regards to how Shane O’Brien sessions usually went down. “One Take Mother Fucker” Boy Toy session in the Jungle Shane O’Brien and Danny Timms_In The Dark, Unplugged Session Tony Sena Gigging with us at Harolds Place 2004 S O’Brien and D Timms at a New Years Gig Scott Attlesey played drums on “Them Flashbacks” on the “King Me Baby” Album Shane O’Brien and O’Briens edge The Devils Got My Soul Session 2008 Dec 31 2003 Top Quality Support from Danny Brandt for 2010 Pass the Word_a gathering of Fans in San Pedro, Ca Nicky and Shane at a gig in Torrance, CA _ The Crest 2007 Johnny Winter, Rod Piazza and Shane O’Brien The Men at Sound Kings Tube Amp Repairs L A CA 2010 Jess Accetta: Guitar and Ricky Sedona Bass Guitar/Guitar. Note that both musicians participated on the “My Girl” session at Shane O’Briens Jungle Studio. Also noteworthy is that these two gentlemen created a personal handcrafted tube amplifier specifically engineered for Shane. They titled it the “Rebel 35”. This boutique amp remains as a major part of O’Briens Stage gear to date in 2019 A Pocket Full of Soul Union Ironworkers_Our International Emblem Union Ironworker Local 433 Los Angeles California Local 433, Business Agent Support Rally, The Valley Business Agent Local 433_Harbor Area Support Rally Top Notch Ironworker, 1st Class Business Agent Local433_MyFriend Union Stewards Meet_Eng Co 39 and Local 433 June 2002 June 2002, JIW-Union Steward Local 433 L. A. Holding up a paid dues reciept at a Rod Piazza_OBriens Edge Show The Wall in DC 2002 Ironworker’s signature endorcements for Local 40 NYC Volunteer JIWs Local 40 NYC_Commemorative Hard Hat Sticker Univercity o fCalifornia Irvine-FM-89.1 interview Hoopa Johnny June 2009 at The Blue Dog Television interview with Mo’ Powers CSULB TV, Long Beachin With Mo Mo Powers Host, Shane O’Brien Guest The T House 2002 Featuring The Boys The Walt Disney Concert Hall, Herrick Iron Erectors Backstage with well renowned composer Glenn Branca Mike Watt and Shane OBrien at our Sold Out at the WDCH 2006 Soundcheck on same stage as L. A. Philharmonic 100 Guitars on the L. A. Philharmonic’s Stage Indian John and the Heathen Psychos Session Live at B. B. Kings L. A. Nov 2006 B. B. Kings Blues Venue Live Show Johnny Winter/Shane O’Brien Show at BBKings Recording Once Voice for us All Little Angel 2005 Acoustic Solo _ Dont Let Me Down Eddie Kramer _ Jimi Hendrix recording engineer at Westlake Audio President Jimmy Carter shaking hands with The Genuine One Sound Kings Los Angeles Grand Opening Feb 2010 The Warner Grand Theater _ The Cavemen The Blue Cafe Long Beach playing with Don Haney Daily Breeze News photo shoot _ Warner Grand Theater Kiss _ Thunder Run Bakersfield Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge Rush Boynton and his loyal Cavemen in Lomita, CA Writting and Recording in the Jungle Studio KSSS Radio Host Nancy Westin Interview Still Photo from The What’s Up With That Video Shoot 2009 The Gypsy Hoopa Johnny Star_Guitar Image by Edward Lapple_Video General Big Al giving a Thumbs up from the Stage Hands USA Troops Support Video Shoot All Access Music Awards 2005 nomination The Signature Martin D28 with USA and Canadian Flags Straps South Bay Music Awards 2006 nomination Band Logo 2006 nominations _ All Access Music Awards Nomination for 2007 All Access Music Awards Center Pull Out _ Acoustic, Raw and Real _ CD 2009 Nominated_South Bay Music Awards_2007 Album Cover_TGO photo by Slobodan Dimitrov These men and Wakitu helped me support our troops 2009 Holding on to my memories session 2009 Gig at Dan Grigor’s Lake Elsinore CA soundstage 2009 Lake Elsinore Cam, July 4th 2009 The Vincent Thomas Bridge, San Pedro CA 2009 Upside down in the Studio The best Video-ographers I know_Edward Lapple_Dan Grigor Celebration with a toast of Champaign Shano and Stevo still working it in the Studio 2010 Photo by Danielle_Wakitu Photography 2009 Old Glory_Our Pride_Our Honor Richard L. Bryant Celebration of Life OBriens Edge supporting our USA Troops everywhere Artist rendering _ Freedom Tower at Ground Zero NYC God Bless the USA Idealogical Dan said to Shane_know who you are LAMA Nomination Cert 2009_Acoustic Album of the Year Filming Completed_Whats Up With That Video Gil Garcetti, Shane OBrien and Ray Carofano Dec 2009 Ironworker Shane Documentary Project support Patch Musicians helping shane warm up for NYC gig 24 CDs and DVDs with Guitars and Lamp Light Blowin his Harp and Strummin her Fiddle on July 4th Gig Good Friends and Great Photo July 4th Gig OBriens Edge, Annual July 4th O’Farrell Block Party OBriens Edge Annual Inmdependance Day Gig, Annual July 4th O’Farrell Block Party Annual Shane O’Brien_San Pedro Gig, Extra Fireworks in 2010 OBriens Edge, Annual July 4th O’Farrell Block Party, Patton and O’Farrell Streets Annual Shane O’Brien_San Pedro Gig Since 1999

Copy and Paste in your Browser the following link to view a Photo Album loaded with Vintage Posters
featuring everything Shane from the early 1980’s era of:
The Shame, Shame, Shame Blues Band to the present days of Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge
Posters collected and added to an album on our Face Book Page
This is where Shane O’Brien wrote one of his favorite tunes titled: “Made in the Shade” [c]2000
Since 2005 O’Brien has CD nominations to Award Shows for the last 7yrs
Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge
Media Contact: Westcoastpub@gmail.com