Media Contact:
West Coast Publicity (424) 224-0360
E-mail: westcoastpub@gmail.com
Southland-based blues singer-songwriter/guitarist Shane O’Brien
Currently known as the “Genuine One”
Shane O’Brien has been Writing/Recording, Producing/Performing in the Southland as well as across the USA and Canada for the past 26+ years. For most of the better part of ¾’s of those years his music of choice to share with his always receptive fan, family and friends is his own music.
From the very start O’Brien wrote, “That’s The Way” at the tender age of sixteen, which he still performs live today (mostly by audience requests). Shane O’Brien writes songs that relate to individual life experiences. Those good, bad and yes, even the worst of the ugly times that O’Brien has experienced. The kind of things most everyday folks have too, but don’t really care to publicly share. Shy of what others may think, Shane reaches down deep inside to quash this need to get it out. Resulting in a variety of emotions lyrically delivered, and he does just that, deliver. Many who have experience Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge “live”, or acquired any one of the 24 CD’s Shane has written/recorded, have written letters or placed phone calls to Shane’s studio in San Pedro, California. These letters are frequently found framed and mounted on the walls of that studio, which is known locally as The Jungle Studio.
{c}2009 Shane O’Brien, {p}2009 JMProductions
[c}2010 Shane O’Brien, {p}2010 JMProductions
“That is where the magic happens…” a quote by Bassist, Sammy Persons, former O’Briens Edge family member.
Each album is packed with music and words of tales many listeners have claimed as their own. “He wrote that song for me…” “I have had that said to me countless number times anywhere I have played or contained in messages sent to me” as described by this Artist. His music forms a signature sound in your ears and inevitably, right down in your heart. Contained within Shane’s music is the real stuff that we all know and live through ourselves… not fantasy, the real stuff. It’s not too much of stretch to understand why Shane O’Brien titled The O’Briens Edge CD released early this year as being
“The Genuine One” {c}2007, ℗2009.

Tom Branson respected Editor of WWW.BLUESROCKERS.WS (December 2005):
“Canadian-born Shane O’Brien is a San Pedro, California-based singer/songwriter/guitarist whose work is reminiscent of a time when musicians were regular working class people armed with only an instrument of choice and something of substance to say…” It Goes On To Say:“O’Brien’s approach to music is raw and honest; simple and straight-forward; genuine and emotional, which I would guess mirrors his approach to life in general. By day, he is a Union Ironworker (Local 433, Los Angeles) rubbing elbows with America at the very ground level. By night, he is somewhat of an urban troubadour traveling from place to place with guitar in hand and songs about life in his heart. This is American rock music performed by someone to whom a lot of Americans should identify.”
Gentleman (c)2000 by Shane O’Brien

– Blues Group/Artist of the year 2005
– Guitarist of the Year

– Blues Group/Artist of the year
– Guitarist of the Year

-Guitarist of the Year

– Blues Group/Artist of the year
– Guitarist of the Year

– Blues Group/Artist of the year
– Guitarist of the Year

-Acoustic Album of the Year
Every Studio has a Wish List for Something
We have been recording our brand of Rock/Blues/Acoustic Folk type of music here in this humble little studio since 1999. Starting from the truly extra raw and real sounds captured via a Ghetto Blaster with a built in Microphone recording to cassette tape, which is how the original version of “Boy Toy” (That Acoustic Rendition) was recorded. Then is about 2000 we made a big advance to a four track system still using a cassette tape for a medium to capture audio. That kind of a set up enabled us to actually record two albums worth of original songs. Actually, it was very inspirational to have everyone involved at that time listen to our just recorded themes ans lyrics, it gave us the urge to push on and create more music. “Don’t Let Me Down” is a good sample f what that Porta Four provided for Shane to recorded a cool idea. Then came the ADAT’s and Digital Mediums of today.
I have a few friends who have done sessions at Ocean Way Studios in Santa Monica and all have told me about the wonderful professional experiences each of them had. Then today, another friend of mine who engineer’s a studio in Carmel, California, sent to me a few video clips of non other than, Ocean Way produced recording products. Universal Audio is the product lines actual company name… That was it, the tipping point has occurred in regards to a new immediate future goal of upgrades to the little place we call The Jungle. These are real cool and informative recording gear tips, recording tech tips and more to view…
What a perfect set up the Apollo based DAW is for Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge to get
another blast of creative writing inspiration to record one more album…

-Blues and Roots Group of the year
Click HERE to download Shane’s full bio.

Since 2005 O’Brien has CD nominations to Award Shows for the last 7yrs
Media Contact: Westcoastpub@gmail.com
Booking Los Angeles Contact: Jungle Music Productions, P. O. Box 1668, San Pedro, CA. 90733
“The Jungle” tel. (310) 832-2430
Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge
OBRIENSEDGE.COM ©2012, ℗2012 Shane O’Brien/Jungle Music Productions
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws.
Made in the U.S.A.

Is this the Shane O’Brien I played drums with in late 70’s early 80’s in the band Amos. Duke
Hi Duke, yes it is Shane from the AMOS days. When I left Windsor was in the very beginning of the 80’s. I started my band in L.A. as soon as I arrived in Venice Beach and have been working it since. I’m just now noticing that since July of 1983 to today is somewhere around 37 years. That means I’ve been playing my own songs around L A for about 37 years or so. Wow, that just can’t be right?
How about you Brother, still playing drums?
I retired this year from the Ironworkers out of Local 433 as well.
Hello Duke
When I read your message to me if I was the Shane you knew in the late ’70’s early ’80’s that you played drums with, that sparked some very early fond memories for me. Those were some very early days that led me down a path in life I never would have imagined. That is something that you are an important part of. It would be a pleasure to me to exchange some kind words with you. Just a thought Brother. I hope that you and your family are well and happy in life
Best Regards
Do you remember where we got the name of our band “Amos”. For the life of me, I can’t recall
Where that name came from. I you catch this message let me know. It would be kinda fun to know.
Somewhere in my archives of band stuff, I have a group photo of Amos taken after a gig. I think it was the Masonic Temple on Ouellette in Windsor.
If I ever run across it, I’ll forward you a copy
Shane O’Brien
Hey Shane it Paul Prestanski, the drummer from the band “FUCK ALL” on Chandler. How have you been? I have a southern rock band called “The Ride”. I have been checking out you stuff, fucking cool
Hi Paul
Shane here. Things are moving slow for musicians around here these times we are all in.
I really miss rocking out at night in clubs. It’s a feeling that I’m jonesing for at this point.
I wonder what’s ahead, as far as any permanent changes for musician’s guidelines.
I bet they’ll be some weird expectations, whatcha think?
Above all Brother be safe, be smart