All posts by Shane O'Brien

Shane O'Brien CDs available at CD Baby Indie Music Store is the best independent music store on the web Currently available are two Cd's at Cd Baby, which is the perfect user friendly location to get your copy as Cd Downloads or select any Single from either of 2 Cd's: "The Genuine One" c2009 and "Acoustic, Raw and Real" c2010 Note: Since Shane O'Brien owns a catalog of 24 different Cd's within his music bank, a new Cd release is in the works. The fine points in design and artwork details are being refined as we speak... The expected release date from Jungle Music Productions will be announced after the New Years Eve 2012 show by Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge. That performance will be recorded to audio and video. Also, that show may dictate the new music made available soon. Shane has made clear that he prefers an album that contains studio and live music. So a heavy consideration to a double album release is being considered. Stay Tuned on this info. See info on the New Years Eve 2012 show at our blog

A Neat Little Gig for Shane June 18 2011






Happy Fathers Day Dad

You have always been the coolest Dad a kid could ever dream of. It’s really that simple!!!

Update time July 19th 2011.

New Videos available at this site and a full six videos available at our You Tube Profile


"Shane O'Brien at the Walkers Cafe Gig In San Pedro, California"
Shane O'Brien at the Walkers Cafe Gig In San Pedro, California

I love you Dad and thanks again for being the cool influential you, that you are to me.


Now the Gig News


Shane O’Brien performing Live at Walkers Cafe in San Pedro, CA 3pm

"Shane O'Brien Perorming Live at Walkers Cafe"Shane O’Brien Performing Live at Walkers Cafe
"Walkers Cafe sponsoring San Pedro's the first music of summer 2011"
Walkers Cafe sponsoring San Pedro's the first music of summer 2011

Walkers Cafe together with Sound Kings USA is sponsoring San Pedro’s the first free music event of the summer 2011 season with a featured performance at 3pm by Shane O’Brien as well as  many other bands on Saturday June 18th 2011

This is an event put on to celebrate the Summer solstice and is an open invitation for anyone to attend. It is free and Walker’s Cafe has been known to have the coldest beer, the best burgers and fries and friendliest patrons in town. The stage at Walkers Cafe in the Back Lot. This venue is a classic San Pedro establishment within a surreal Southern California setting. At the Cliffs of Point Fermin Park in San Pedro over looking the Pacific Ocean Coastline towards the West to Santa Catalina Island.
Sound Kings USA is sponsoring this event along with Walker’s Cafe. Sound Kings is also supplying the P A system and a complete back line musical stage set which includes their Custom Boutique Tube Amplifiers. A marvelous opportunity to have Shane show off his brand new Sound Kings Tub Amp for a good 45 minute set. 3 pm is all Shane O’Brien time with emphasis on his performing selected Acoustic Solo Tracks from any one of the 24 Cd’s he has put out to date. For the second 30 minutes Shane will be joined with band members in completing the music delivery with his unique version as to his original musical language. A great chance to see both sides of O’Briens Edge
This will be video taped as well and undoubtedly become part of something cherished in the near future. Stay tuned in tat regard…
B B Q’s will be smokin’, Brews will be flowin’ and Shane’s Blues will be Jammin’. There are several bands scheduled in this event before and after The O’Brien set.

"Sound Kings USA _ The Tube Amp Specialists"
Sound Kings USA creators of the Tube Amp used by Shane O'Brien

To cap off the day itinerary with be a the outdoor stage performance of  Shakespeare by the seain Point Fermin Park’s Stage located directly across the street from the Cafe. That performance begins at dusk and is also a free family event.


"The Tragedy of King Lear"
The Tragedy of King Lear

If you plan on attending the Shakespearean Stage Performance, please note that this is an outdoor event and the lawn seating is perfect for a big blanket and evening jacket. My personal suggestion as to your best comfort in mind. I did attend their performances the past two years and thoroughly enjoyed the whole event…



Shane is known for his original music by more than just a few in Canada and the USA, but how many know of his other life as a Union Ironworker out of Local 433 Los Angeles.

"Ray Carrofano photo of Shane O'Brien"
Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge
International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers
International Ironworkers Emblem

Here are a few photos that should send it home as far as what his other hat that he ware’s. His Hard Hat adorned with Union Stick

Shane OB'rien is Safety Steward on Jobsite LAUSD No 15
JIW who can Weld
"LAUSD No 15 San Pedro, CA"
One of the nicest High Schools Anywhere I am sure
Walt Disney Concert Hall in 2000
Shane O'Brien was in the Welding Gang and the Detail Gang for this job

And then…


"Shane O'Brien participate's in a Sold Out Concert at the WDCH 2006"
As a member of this orchestra, Shane O'Brien performed for a sold out show at the WDCH in 2006


"Shane O'Bfrien during the Independent Music Festival Promo Photo Shoot"
Indie Music Festival Photo Shoot with Shane O'Brien


Additionally here’s a little insight referring to the musical influences on Shane…

Listen to more B.B. King at Wolfgang’s Vault.