Happy Holidays All
Merry Christmas From Our Household To Yours 2017
Shane O’Brien
Here are a couple photos I took from my day time world as an Ironworker, working with the talented Men and Women of Local 433, Los Angeles, CA
The following photos are views taken from the job I am currently participating into as the IW Foreman at the:
Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project
Photo taken from the top of Pier 16 on the west side of the GDB

We are up next. The Ironworkers will begin hanging Iron during the 2nd week of January 2018, starting with the Heavy Lift Table which will support the first Bridge Iron and Access Platforms with Traveler Platforms as well. Our Dance floor…

And lastly for todays views of the work going on at the Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project, here are some of the talent hard at work

Here are Jonathan Casas and Baron Covarrubias, both quality apprentices, working with Shane O’Brien, getting set to land the Dampner System atop of Tower 16 on the west side

In The Photo above are from left to right:
Back Row: Orlando Espinoza III, Michael Cochrum, Juan Toriche, Victor Romero, Shamari Glasco, Todd Eisenhauer, Baron Covarrubias, Rick McCreight
Front Row: Tony Palumbo, Jonathan Casas, Shane O’Brien, Derek Jimenez, Matt Semenza, Chris Chapon,
Not in the Photo are: James Hunter, Shane Trujillo, Evan Heryet and Antonio Barroso
Photo taken 11/21/2017
From all of us at the GDB have a safe and Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year
Best regards
Shane O’Brien
Also of great interest to most Ironworkers and their Families
Go to the following link provided for a inspirational final product view
of the Structure erected by all Union Labor at “Ground Zero”.
Local 40 along with many other Skilled Trade Locals represented our Craft very well.
Just as all the hands dispatched through Local 40 and surroundings Locals, have done all union Ironworker very Proud. For the everyday public to view our work done in a safety committed conditions daily. In the end this 360* video presentation is heartwarming to see and know I was part of the whole in that work