The Show we have scheduled at 10pm June 23rd at the Whisky a Go Go will feature a line up for Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge that has never been topped before. Gary Ferguson handling the Drums, Johnny Griparic mastering the duties on Bass Guitar, Jackson Allen supplies a smooth on smooth guitar accompaniment and You got it Shane O’Brien on Guitars and Vocal.

The set is written by Shane including the Video that will play in the back ground. Shane directed this video produced as the visual aid to the song “What’s Up With That?”. The result was a Live Audio Performance kicked up 10 fold by the images being sent home to everyone who was in the place. The Whisky’s audience loved to see as the band performed it’s intended audio track and thanks to the editing craft work by 6 time Emmy Award Winning Director Edward Lapple the music had a message simply too easy to understand. Instant clarity to a captive audience.

The O’Briens Edge line up for the night’s show created an audio compliment that was actually made to order.

Gary Ferguson background: Since then, he has also toured with Les Dudek, Eddie Money, David Benoit, Gary Moore, Charlie Sexton, John Hiatt, Glenn Hughes, The New Radicals, Steve Lukather, Edgar Winter, and Larry Carlton.

Johnny Griparic background:
In Slash’s Snakepit Video- “Shine”

Shane O’Brien background: Just a working stiff Ironworker by day and Musician at night that loves the life granted to him.

The Executive Producer of the Los Angeles Music Awards presenting a Nomination Certificate to Shane “Americana Blues & Roots Artist of the Year” 2010

Hey I just found your CD
Hey Man Do You Remember Its me Cynthia Your Old Friend With Anthony Riedle I realy wanted to know how you were doing Hows life treating you and Little Rob Siad Hi
Oh my God. It is so cool, cool, cool to find your messages.
Here’s my cell phone 424.571.1635 and home phone 310.832.2430
Excellent internet site guy , just make it .
The 19th Los Angeles Music awards 2009 and the 20th Los Angeles Music Awards 2010 had Nominations for Shane O’Brien in two different categories. The whole Los Angeles music awards experience for me was a very self satisfying one with unknown surprise ripple effects lasting much farther than I would have imagined or expected. Take for instance the current video I have released just this month, Oct. 2011. Considering the Second half of the video contents was shot during my performance at The Whisky a Go Go… a LAMA 2010 event. With that in mind, there are things in motion now, today for at least 2 preproduction packages with story boards and sound tracks are being completed for presentations that may result in filming one or two video productions. These would be prospective 2012 releases. “and the beat go’s on…”
Hey Shane, thanks a ton man for the sub, I sub’d back and friend ed. Great music man!!! I’m gonna have to try and catch a show sometime. Thank you for your support of our troops. I’m prior Navy service and my son is a Marine stationed in Yuma AZ. I’d dig playin some blues riffs with you, but I think you’d play me into the ground, but it would still be a blast. =
Take care
“Good man -- best of luck for the future -- respect brother -- Rob
I realize I am responding to a very old comment of yours, regardless I simply wanted to express a very respectful thank you for the kind words. Obviously they have gone a long way in my book…
Have a great day
Right on Shane
Hello Rich Roth, Mad Max and I were speaking very highly of you today my old friends. You have very loyal friends in the Union Ironworker community my brother. Very loyal…
i hope you win Shane i wish you greatness