All posts by Shane O'Brien

Shane O'Brien CDs available at CD Baby Indie Music Store is the best independent music store on the web Currently available are two Cd's at Cd Baby, which is the perfect user friendly location to get your copy as Cd Downloads or select any Single from either of 2 Cd's: "The Genuine One" c2009 and "Acoustic, Raw and Real" c2010 Note: Since Shane O'Brien owns a catalog of 24 different Cd's within his music bank, a new Cd release is in the works. The fine points in design and artwork details are being refined as we speak... The expected release date from Jungle Music Productions will be announced after the New Years Eve 2012 show by Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge. That performance will be recorded to audio and video. Also, that show may dictate the new music made available soon. Shane has made clear that he prefers an album that contains studio and live music. So a heavy consideration to a double album release is being considered. Stay Tuned on this info. See info on the New Years Eve 2012 show at our blog

Shane O’Brien playing to his own Namesake, The Genuine One

Shane O’Brien Playin’ his song titled “The Genuine One


Shane O’Brien Playin’ to his own namesake refers to a song he had written about a decade ago in the early 2000’s. The first album version is part of the album titled “King Me, Baby” ©2003 by Shane O’Brien. K.M.B. was pressed into Disc in 2003 of which about 1,000 copies were distributed. A truly limited release which lasted a couple of weeks before they were all distributed. More would had been made, but at that time O’Brien was on a writing terror, creating all the new tracks for another release of that year titled “She Love’s Me Not” ©2003.

This rendition of “The Genuine One” is a Solo 12’ve String Acoustic Guitar and Vocal Performance recorded in 2013 as part of the CD titled “A Jungle Acoustic Tradition 1983-2013” ©2013.
This CD features Shane O’Brien performing Solo unplugged performances of some songs written from a 30 year long collection of his own created music archives.

Here’s a cool track from that 2013 CD,it’s titled The Genuine One


A Jungle Studio Acoustic Tradition 1983-2013” ©2013
A Jungle Studio Acoustic Tradition 1983-2013” ©2013

A recent road trip to the Detroit/Windsor area created a photo opp that brung back a time in the past of which Shane was a member of a Canadian group called “The Polaris Project“. This was his last Canadian group with their last gig being a performance at Windsor’s then rocking venue, Danny’s Canadian Tavern. There are photos of that show still floating around but it takes a good search to find them.
The last time we found some was at a reservation desk at a hertz rent a car establishment in Windsor. The reservation agent had a photo album containing a good amount of photos from the ‘ event.       Shane found out about these photo treasures when he was renting a car during a scheduled gig in the area some fifteen years after that Danny’s Tavern gig. After the rental agreement for the car was signed, the agent noticed a certain familiarity upon reviewing the signatures and promptly ask O’Brien if he would be interested in purchasing some extra insurance for the weekend car rental. Which he turned down since insurance came with the rental anyway. Sill the agent persisted with a second offer for Shane to consider adding extra insurance strongly suggested by agent fora measly ten or fifteen bucks.
At this time he chose to support his strongly advised suggestion by pulling out from underneath the counter his prized old photo album which contained photos in chronological order of that 15 years ago gig. As it happens, the guitar Shane was playing was a Gibson Les Paul that just so happened to get engulfed in a raging amount of flames. Shane looked at all of these shots in a bit of a shock and with a shade of misplaced glow about him. No extra insurance was purchased either…

Here’s two separate photos

taken at the very same location

only 35 years apart.


Trivia Question:

Look closely at the following CD Cover Titled

“Solid Gold Treasure Chest” Disc 1

Shame, Shame, Shame Blues Band was the name of Shane O'Brien's band prior to the switch to "OBrien's Edge"
Shame, Shame, Shame Blues Band was the name of Shane O’Brien’s band prior to the switch to “OBrien’s Edge”

You may notice that there are two members of this group that currently hold Union Books for Local 433 Union Ironworkers.

Can you name them?

Here’s a link to a fun song. It was a blast recording this little Diddy. Tony Sena and Shane O’Brien just let all preconceived notion of what is normally accepted for a recording session with no expectations of of any kind other than a time of shared musical excitements for about 5 min and a little more…

Shane O’Brien video insightful thoughtful _ On and On 2014

The Story Behind The Song
Chapter 8
On and On
by Don Haney and Special Arrangement by Shane O’Brien
Video Production
Another installment in the ongoing presentation of the musical works by:
Shane O’Brien

Author ©2000 Don Haney
Album/CD/Video On and On
℗2014 Jungle Music Productions
Produced by: Shane O’Brien

Don Haney respond’s to Shane O’Brien
after viewing the “On and On” video
June 12th 2014

Shane, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I cannot think of a more fullfilling way to be thought of. For you to have learned the story, music and meaning of something I have written is beyond complimentary. You have made a strong statement and chosen “On and On” to do so. A profound thank you. Your brother – Don Haney.


The Story Behind The Song

Since 2005 Shane O’Brien has 6 CD nominations to Los Angeles/Hollywood vicinity music award shows

Media Contact:
©2002-©2015, ℗2015 Shane O’Brien/Jungle Music Productions
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction
is a violation of applicable laws.
Made in the U.S.A.