This is a song written by Shane O’Brien in 2001 and became included in the album titled “King Me Baby” c2001. The single track that began the album called “Indian John and the Heathen Psychos” is a great story telling Biker song. From the very beginning a easily recognizable character is developed and very quickly become a center piece of a group of Brothers to the rescue type of operation and resolves with a secure feeling of who he is type of description.
A solo Shane O’Brien performance with an added track where by Shane played with 2 drum stick on a Pacific Bell yellow pages phone book for a percussion sound. This was recorded on his studio which at that time was a 33 foot sailboat docked in San Pedro Marina. There was a P A that filled the salon in that sloop rig vessel and the recording had been surrounded with patron of Ports O Call dancing on the docks during this recording. A sight to behold on the Warf’s for sure. “And the Battle is won… 1% of the whole”
A little inspiration to push on came in the studio by way of a chart stat from ReverbNation. It seems that we have placed ourselves with the top 100 Los Angeles bands in the Blues genre. Oh my…
No.73 in the top 100 at ReverbNation in Blues Chart re Los Angeles Amazing, Thrilling, an Honor to be and most of all Thank You Shane O’Brien
Here are a couple of picks just for the Kids to do as they please with. Enjoy you guys…
I’ll be adding to this collection of JPEGS and VIDEO clips till it looks pretty good and functions as it should, so it’s early yet but here what I’ll be sharing about the USS Iowa docked not a football field away from my front door. Cool or what… Regards all Shane
USS Iowa Decommissioned is now serving her country again, this time as a Naval Museum in her new home. Port O Call, The Los Angeles Harbor in San Pedro California. I especially find this exciting since She is docked right outside my front door. I live in “Pedro” on the street adjacent to the Harbor and have always enjoyed watching the traffic travel in and out from ports around the world. Gazing at the magnificent display that came with the flotilla escorting the USS Iowa was great to add into the old memory banks for years to come. I applied as a Volunteer in the Iron Maintenance today just because I can do these skills. Union Ironworkers you know???
Anyway all. A little break from the Music Biz and here are some photos and Video clips I gathered up for sharing with anyone who wants to check it out…
PS. To the Michigan Bunch. I added a couple photos for you guys to grab for yourselves too. Should you wish anything here, then just get up on it and grab it Okay?