All posts by Shane O'Brien

Shane O'Brien CDs available at CD Baby Indie Music Store is the best independent music store on the web Currently available are two Cd's at Cd Baby, which is the perfect user friendly location to get your copy as Cd Downloads or select any Single from either of 2 Cd's: "The Genuine One" c2009 and "Acoustic, Raw and Real" c2010 Note: Since Shane O'Brien owns a catalog of 24 different Cd's within his music bank, a new Cd release is in the works. The fine points in design and artwork details are being refined as we speak... The expected release date from Jungle Music Productions will be announced after the New Years Eve 2012 show by Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge. That performance will be recorded to audio and video. Also, that show may dictate the new music made available soon. Shane has made clear that he prefers an album that contains studio and live music. So a heavy consideration to a double album release is being considered. Stay Tuned on this info. See info on the New Years Eve 2012 show at our blog

The Story Behind “Don’t Let Me Down” Chapter 7

The Story Behind The Song
Chapter 7

Don’t Let Me Down

Another installment in the ongoing presentation of the musical works by:

Shane O’Brien

Author ©2006 Shane O’Brien
Album/CD  The Genuine One
℗2010 Jungle Music Productions



Special Advance Notice:

Look at the end of this post to find an unreleased advance listening to a brand new release from Shane O’BrienThe Posse

About the song

The Setting:

Imagine if you will, a 33 ft sailboat converted into a recording studio. The location became known as the Jungle which from 1999 to 2006, a total of 7 CDs were produced. This was a very unusual environment as far as the music recording industry standards goes…

Here is a highlighted example one nights recording session’s story to enjoy…

-I recall sitting on an upside down 5 Gal Paint bucket for a seat, and in front of me stood a make shift microphone stand. There were 2 microphones duct taped at they’re perfect heights for singing and guitar playing. A recall little extra tape was added for the vocal Mic, since I usually bumped into it so much during sessions.
-I did not own any Mic holders yet at that early stage… Everything was borrowed or bartered for.

-It was about 3 AM
-It was real quiet and settled outside
-the hatch door was pulled back all the way
-The only sound were the longees working graveyard
-the Halliard lines slamming on the mast on many of the surrounding sailboats
-also sensed the cawing from a particular Blue Heron as he swooshed by the Jungle
-my headphones were powered by an old Pioneer 175 watt receiver
-I remember this particular song idea coming to mind and the weirdness of just letting it develop without any do-overs other than a lead guitar track to augment that initial rhythm guitar groove
-Thank you to Kevin Whelan for loaning me his beloved Ovation Guitar. That following morning the resulting recording suddenly featured contrasting tones between a nylon stringed guitar and a steel stringed
guitar which both equally shine simultaneously during that short little
lead break before the final verse.
-By sun up everything was all said and done and I noticed my ears were
ringing big time, and you know, they still do today, every time I record…
-Wouldn’t cha know it huh…
Life was as cool then as it is today, I tell ya!
Just Like Regular…

Lyrics as Follows:

Don’t Let Me Down (4:47)
©2006 Shane B. O’Brien
℗2010 Jungle Music Productions

Hum, hum, hum, hum!
It’s after midnight, and I feel there’s a long way to go now
The hours grow long babe
And it’s a job to keep your love here, don’t you know

It’s killing me to wait baby
And it seems to me that there’s times that
You just don’t care no more
But still I won’t hesitate
I’ll go through the hurt and the pain, and the waiting game

But still, I can’t seem to call it a day now
I’m think about you here now, any ole way baby
I dream of you always around

But don’t let me down babe. Don’t let me down now
But don’t let me down little darlin’. Don’t let me down now

I leave the lights on
Can you see your way in my front door now?
There’s a warm lit candle, a warm lit flame in my front window
It’s got a warm soft glow
As warm as the sweet heat in my heart for you baby
And still I got my open arms
Thinking we can make a livin’, and lovin’ and a happy home yeah

But still, I can’t seem to call it a day now
I’m think about you here any Ole way baby
I dream of you always around.

But don’t let me down babe. Don’t let me down now
But don’t let me down little darlin’. Don’t let me down babe
Alright now, yeah

I leave the lights on babe
Can you see your way in my front door now?
There’s a warm lit candle
A warm lit flame in my front window yeah, yeah
It’s got a warm soft glow
As warm as the sweet heat in my heart for you baby
And still I got my open arms now
Hoppin’ we can make a livin’ and lovin’ and a happy home babe

But still I can’t seem to call it a day yeah
Thinking about you any Ole way baby
I dream of you always around

But don’t let me down babe, don’t let me down now
Don’t let me down little mama, little mama, little mama, little mama
Don’t let me down now

Hum, alright now, Hum, Hum, Hum
Don’t let me down babe
Don’t let me down yeah. Don’t let me down now

“Don’t Let Me Down” Track No.7 of the CD “The Genuine One”
©2006 Shane O’Brien
℗2010 JMProductions/Jungle Music Productions

TGO CDcover_January23 2010

A Dangerous Way [c]2005 Shane O’Brien video clip

Video Clip from Shane O’Brien

A Dangerous Way [c]2005 Shane O’Brien video clip created January 2014 in the L A Harbor Community of San Pedro, California. I was treated to a new i Pad from a patron who had attended our New Years Eve show at Harold’s Place in San Pedro. I had never seen one before this gesture was made to me and really had not a clue about how it worked and what to do with it. After a week of messing around on my own with this i Pad, as well as using the Face Time feature for video calling back and forth with my newly found fan/friend, ideas were starting to emerge regarding a few possible uses.
So once I figured how to use the whole “Cloud” thing and loaded about a dozen of the CDs I’ve written and produced, I was really starting to enjoy this gift. Let me say right from the get go, here and now… Corky, thank you so much for this present you gave me. Wow, this is so cool. You had made my day when you graciously set me up with something I know, that you knew, I would use to the fullest. How very,very thoughtful of you. You are a real sweetheart.
I found myself using this thing to take video clips of the sights in town. The kind of places in which I enjoyed hanging out at over the span of 30 years, to simply look at nature’s behavior. This Video contains video captures taken during a rainy period of four days which generated white caps on the Pacific Ocean, trees in Point Fermin Park dancing to nature’s winds. A sunrise taken from the vantage point while sitting at a Pagoda across from Walker’s Cafe looking towards the east at Sunkin’ City. The Look of the ebb and tide of the surf at the shoreline off the bluffs are a major enjoyment to have included. In town shots include the Warner Grand Theater with all the neon marquee lighting flickering as they do at midnight. The first scene is from a hill top part of San Pedro that over looks L A’s Harbor Occupational Center including views of the Vincent Thomas Bridge also the 47  and Harbor 110 Freeways in the Back ground.
   The music is titled “A Dangerous Way”
From the CD “Unreleased/Unpublished Part A” ©2005 Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge

Bonus video Clip:

What follows is a timeline video of my Ironworker Brothers erecting a Memorial Hospital in the L A jurisdiction. A wonderful video creation to view.


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Local 433 Election Sticker 2009