Shane O'Brien CDs available at
CD Baby Indie Music Store is the best independent music store on the web
Currently available are two Cd's at Cd Baby, which is the perfect user friendly location to get your copy as Cd Downloads or select any Single from either of 2 Cd's:
"The Genuine One" c2009
"Acoustic, Raw and Real" c2010
Since Shane O'Brien owns a catalog of 24 different Cd's within his music bank, a new Cd release is in the works. The fine points in design and artwork details are being refined as we speak... The expected release date from Jungle Music Productions will be announced after the New Years Eve 2012 show by Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge. That performance will be recorded to audio and video. Also, that show may dictate the new music made available soon. Shane has made clear that he prefers an album that contains studio and live music. So a heavy consideration to a double album release is being considered. Stay Tuned on this info. See info on the New Years Eve 2012 show at our blog
Shane O’Brien and Danny Timms Nov 18 2012 Jungle Recording Session
Video Link
The Highwaymen Poster _ Danny Timms was a member for Eight years
The Highwaymen Poster Live at Suntec Concert Hall 1995
Kulaks Woodshed Webcast Events Calender Dec 2012
Kulak’s Woodshed Presents Shane O’Brien Live Show Streamed World Wide 12 28 2012
Link to You Tube Video of the show followed by second song Embed Close to You, Live at Kulaks Woodshed 2012
Shane O’Brien guest appearance on The Watt From Pedro Show Dec 27th 2012 with accompaniment by Field Monroe
Shane and Field play along with Bro Matt’s Spin Cycle as part of this season finale of TWFPS Dec 27th 2012