Note From Shane
Thank You to all who have been solidly supporting our Musical Road Travels throughout this years. We have had some cool times for sure.
Two Guest Appearances on The Watt From Pedro Show. The first an on Location Broadcasted Show from The Jungle Studio in San Pedro, CA.
Just to show you the relaxed atmosphere that Field and Shane have with each other in that live situation, enjoy their little chat in between song during the Kulak’s Woodshed Internet/TV Live Broadcast 12 28 2012

That’s home for Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge, where all 24 CD’s have been recorded. March 13th 2012 TWFPS host Mike Watt set up his Mobil set up and we did three hours of spinning some of our favorite music and conducted 3 interesting Q and A segments in which Watt got right back to Shane’s earliest moments in his relationship with music.

Today we put in the can another cool show with Mike Watt, 12 27 2012, which was conducted at Bro Matt’s Studio in San Pedro known as Wild Kingdom.
Along with Shane for this Guest Appearance was Guitarist Field Monroe. Field and Shane have been in the studio twice in 2012 for both Audio and Video recording sessions. The Video Project is ongoing and will spill into 2013 with some L A scenes scheduled for shooting in the spring of 2013.
Some of the audio recordings have been published in Dec 2012

Tomorrow night is a Live TV and webcast performance Shane and Field will do together in North Hollywood at a well respected venue called
Kulaks Woodshed . There have been some great performers who have traveled across that stage in it’s history including Jackson Brown and Delaney Bramlett as well as countless others over the years.
Friday Dec 28th 2012 Shane O’Brien will perform a set of his own music and be added to the Artist List who called Kulak’s Stage their own for a night.

Last of the years events for Shane is New Years Eve Gig at Harold’s Place in San Pedro, CA. This will be a smokin’ gig for sure.
Opening that show is a band who is a favorite of Shane’s and resulted in his invitation to them to join in on this party nights show, Freedom Outlaws
will begin at 9PM or a little before. Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge are scheduled to start at 10PM till the wee hours of the morning.
Don’t be too surprised to see a few good friends come up with Shane during this night of music.

San Pedro, CA 90731

What a cool year to have shared with everyone it has been. Thank You all and have a Safe and Great Time New Years Eve
Shane O’Brien
Remember, I Love You _ Live Duo Performance in 2012