All posts by Shane O'Brien

Shane O'Brien CDs available at CD Baby Indie Music Store is the best independent music store on the web Currently available are two Cd's at Cd Baby, which is the perfect user friendly location to get your copy as Cd Downloads or select any Single from either of 2 Cd's: "The Genuine One" c2009 and "Acoustic, Raw and Real" c2010 Note: Since Shane O'Brien owns a catalog of 24 different Cd's within his music bank, a new Cd release is in the works. The fine points in design and artwork details are being refined as we speak... The expected release date from Jungle Music Productions will be announced after the New Years Eve 2012 show by Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge. That performance will be recorded to audio and video. Also, that show may dictate the new music made available soon. Shane has made clear that he prefers an album that contains studio and live music. So a heavy consideration to a double album release is being considered. Stay Tuned on this info. See info on the New Years Eve 2012 show at our blog

Shane O’Brien Live New Years Eve at Harold’s Place

Here’s a Sample of what this night was for all who participated on both sides of the microphone at Harold’s Place

Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge 12 31 2013
Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge 12 31 2013

To start off the night with a song that has been with Shane since the early days, we’re talking 1977 was a great way to kick off this new years eve gala. The dance floor was packed from the get go with
“Love That Woman” [c]2000 Shane O’Brien
[p]2014 Jungle Music Productions

To follow up Shane called upon a song he wrote in 2004. A Bluesy Rockin’ Ballad about a declaration of friendship between two people. The band performed this live 12 31 2013 for it’s 1st time to the public. This was kept on the shelf for many years mostly because of how important a feeling it’s subject is and the effects on the author…
“Just Friends” [c]2005 Shane O’Brien
[p]2014 Jungle Music Productions

New Years Eve will be Rocking with Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge at Harold’s Place in San Pedro, CA.

Shane O'Brien and O'Briens Edge Members are
Poster for New Years Eve O’Briens Edge Members are

This is the eighth time this band has welcomed the new year at Harold’s Place with every year past being a blast for all who attended these shows brought to you from “The Genuine One”. As the following poster highlights, Shane’s brings his game face to this gig… So 2014 Bring it on, lets all together bring it on strong.
Here’s another captured video from our New Years Eve celebration
Titled: 3 Black Dogs [c]2000 Shane O’Brien [p]2014 Jungle Music Productions

Shane O’Brien Live New Years Eve at Harold’s Place, 1908 Pacific ave, San Pedro, CA 90731

Shane O'Brien Live 12 31 2013
Shane O’Brien Live New Years Eve at Harold’s Place

Working to Play and Happy Holidays 2013

Working to Play and Happy Holidays 2013

Sounds a little Cliche but it’s very true in the case of this music artist Shane O’Brien,
Working to Play and Happy Holidays 2013“. Years ends are great times to take a look back at ones time spent to see if plans where followed through, new years resolutions kept, life’s pursuits have been chased rightly, business endeavors targeted as planned, love’s of our live’s guided correctly. Being that we are unique as individuals, for me I must also look back to see if my “Solid Gold Treasure Chest” collection of me writing my original music, started in 1977 to date, has had additions made and not allowed to stagnate. A spirit of life in my case if you will? I share a little of my looking back today via the links supplied withing these two paragraphs.
This look back in review is rich with lasting Friendships made, the best of Family support and the greatest Fan encouragements I could have ever imagined. I call the sum total of everything described as each contributing into my Pocket Full of Soul. A great name for this I believe as it shows appreciation and my grateful nature towards life as a whole. I wish the very best of the Holiday Season to my Family, Friends and Fans also be it a very safe one for all…

Rock out to this Music Player with a playlist some of my favorites:

Happy and Safe Holidays 2013 from Shane O'Brien
Happy Holidays 2013 from Shane O’Brien