As you might figure after seeing this photo of our Information Tech here, O’Briens Edge is in the midst of site updates with new music, video and photos. It will all be ready soon, so in the meantime our genius tech suggested uploading a piece of music he had found on our studios cutting room floor. And upload it he did. Titled “Its Safe To Be You” by Shane O’Brien from a February 2011 session in The Jungle Studio located in San Pedro, California.
More to come…
And now a little history regarding “It’s Safe To Be You” by Shane O’Brien
The Bluesman ©2003 The Story Behind the Song
The Story Behind the Song
November 21st 2010
The Bluesman ©2003
A 1-4-5 progression done twice before the actual turn around that is slow and groovy also deliberate in delivery.
The actual musician line up for this particular recording consists of Tony Sena performing on a ¾ scale Yamaha acoustic guitar, Danny Timms jamming on an Estey Royal spinet acoustic piano, and Shane O’Brien plucking a Martin D28 acoustic guitar and singing an improvised vocal line.
Now, to the song itself. I am not sure about elsewhere in the country, rest assured that in Southern California there are plenty of musicians of the highest caliber. As well, for everyday of the week, except Fridays and Saturdays of course, there are plenty of Open Mic Jams at various venues…
Many of us musicians, who are in between gigs, try our darnedest to keep our chops up by attending these publicized open jams. For us that well lets say who play our own brand of Blues or variety of Blues Rock or whatever the Genre we fit in, things can get a little touchy emotionally, especially for the thin skinned types of Artist displaying his or her original written music. Imagine this. You show up early, sign in on a piece of blank paper, if you can find it, and wait for your name to be called so you too can join on stage with whomever and or whatever band situation the host lands you into. Also, we cant worry about when, with whom, or who will direct the jam as it happens, or even if we do get called upon to participate. These gatherings tend to be very Cliquee in nature and thats just the way it is and always has been and always will be too… Hence forth the creation of this song titled The Bluesman.
As you hear the lyrics to this songs story line, you may notice the scene develops with a man who really cant get along in life shinning as a standout but he does accepts his lot in life because he knows in the end he is blessed. THE SUN SHINES ON MY BACK DOOR…
He is also dirt broke most likely living from place to place, cant even afford a phone call and wouldnt know who to call for help anyway, and someone who plays the Blues. He performs his own brand of music, which are very personal to him. His blues stories…
The third verse is somewhat of a fantasy this self proclaimed blues man dreams up. He acquires a Cadillac Coupe De Ville and together with his own brand of blues songs he is now automatically invited to participate on stage within the circle of the best blues men in the world. These Black Musicians are known as the Central Street Blues All Star Band from South Los Angeles. Innovators regarding this American music, who are the stand out musicians on the West Coast blues world. He can jam with them at every gathering and won’t have to wait or be disappointed by not being called up to play or put in stage situations that do not allow this guy to share his language of music. Satisfaction guaranteed every tine… Ah, the life of The Bluesman… Quite the story indeed
The Jungle Studio at this time line, changed its location from that floating 33 ft Sloop Rig Sailboat/Recording Studio, docked in a San Pedro Marina to an on land location. Call it The Jungle on Land: a tiny 2 bedroom house built in the 1920s overlooking the L. A. Channel and the Vincent Thomas Bridge. The landlord is a retired Union Ironworker from Local 433 and a man amongst men in this down to earth Trade not to mention of all of mankind. This Ironworker can easily be described as a longtime everyday working stiff, also a sincere stand up Gentlemen with eloquence in his voice. Chuck MacInnis, if you happen to see this, know that you have always been a roll model and mentor to me. Also is a key factor to Shane OBrien and OBriens Edge having a catalog compiled of 24 CDs and several Videos to date. All this would not have occurred if it were not for Chuck renting to Shane his property and being all aware of the years of unpredictable moments to come. Thank You Sir