Looking Ahead by Shane O’Brien

Is one of the earliest of the songs written and recorded during the days when the recording studio was actually a 33 foot sloop rig sailboat. The floating studio was then docked in the Los Angeles Harbor town of San Pedro, California. It quickly became known as the rocking-est boat in the harbor. Of the seven albums created in that era of Shane O’Brien and O’Briens Edge [known at that time as The Shame, Shame, Shame Blues Band] is the three CD collection titled “Solid Gold Treasure Chest parts A, B and C“. Looking Ahead by Shane O’Brien is a track listed in Part A.
Listen To:
Looking Ahead
The accompanying photo is a shot of bike owned by Matt Schlieman an Ironworker Brother to Shane who had his second cousin “Grady” jump on board and get a handful. Reminiscent of a great future to come…
Another Couple Of cool Tracks To Listen To:
You’ve Changed