Working to Play and Happy Holidays 2013
Sounds a little Cliche but it’s very true in the case of this music artist Shane O’Brien,
“Working to Play and Happy Holidays 2013“. Years ends are great times to take a look back at ones time spent to see if plans where followed through, new years resolutions kept, life’s pursuits have been chased rightly, business endeavors targeted as planned, love’s of our live’s guided correctly. Being that we are unique as individuals, for me I must also look back to see if my “Solid Gold Treasure Chest” collection of me writing my original music, started in 1977 to date, has had additions made and not allowed to stagnate. A spirit of life in my case if you will? I share a little of my looking back today via the links supplied withing these two paragraphs.
This look back in review is rich with lasting Friendships made, the best of Family support and the greatest Fan encouragements I could have ever imagined. I call the sum total of everything described as each contributing into my Pocket Full of Soul. A great name for this I believe as it shows appreciation and my grateful nature towards life as a whole. I wish the very best of the Holiday Season to my Family, Friends and Fans also be it a very safe one for all…
Rock out to this Music Player with a playlist some of my favorites: